Black spider monkey - saveforforest

Black spider monkey

The black spider monkey also belongs to the broad-nosed monkey class, with a thin, slim body and a light posture. It is very noticeable in the tropical forests of central and northeastern Brazil in South America, as well as in Bolivia and Guyana.



Black spider monkey








Animal world













Basic Information

Scientific name: Atelespaniscus,

British name: BlackSpiderMonkey,

Category: Primate capuchin monkey,

Body type: 8kg in captivity and 5kg in the wild.

Food habits: Fruit-based food,

Distribution: Guyana, central and northern Brazil, eastern Peru, central and northern Bolivia.

Inoculation of monkeys and other animals with Plasmodium vivax has a long history of research. So far, it has been proved that it has different degrees of sensitivity to Plasmodium vivax.In Africa, there are chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes); in the Americas, there are night monkeys, squirrel monkeys, Panama marmosets, white-faced monkeys, black spider monkeys, and red spider monkeys. Night monkeys are the most important; in Asia, only the white-handed gibbon of Southeast Asia has been found to be partially susceptible to Plasmodium vivax. In the above aspects, Arbele (1945), Taliaferro (1934), Young et al. (1976) and Jiang Jingbo (1976) have all done literature reviews. A genus of macaques, including some common monkey species in Asia, has long been used to inoculate P. vivax.

Morphological characteristics

Black spider monkey

The black spider monkey also belongs to the broad-nosed monkey category. It has a thin, slim body, a light posture, a body length of 38-57 cm, a tail length of 63-92 cm, and a weight of 6.5-9 kg. However, individuals weighing 13 kg have also been found. It is the highest record of body weight of monkeys in South America. The body hair is sparse and short, the whole body color is mostly shiny brown-black, the abdomen is brown-yellow, and the limbs and tail are black.

The head is small and round, with a flat nose in the center of the black round face and pink stripes on the face, so it is also called the Zhu Yan spider monkey or the red-faced spider monkey. The body and limbs are also thin and long, fingers and toes are slender and curved, plus a long tail, when it hangs high above the tree, it looks like a giant spider from a distance It is called a spider monkey because it is made of brushed wire.

Distribution and habits

Black spider monkeys are distributed in the central and northeastern parts of Brazil in South America, as well as in tropical forests in Bolivia and Guyana. It is especially suitable for the arboreal life, often infested between the towering clouds, the sky and the sun, and the staggered forest branches.

It is good at climbing on trees, jumping back and forth and wandering. It has a strong jumping ability, and can generally cross a distance of more than 10 meters. Because its thumb has degenerated and there are only traces of ganglia, it is common to use four fingers of the forelimb to grasp the branch. When acting on a large branch, it uses both hands and feet. It adopts a unique "arm movement", which is agile and primate The most flexible kind of animal. If the climbing branch suddenly breaks, it will jump to another tree 10 meters away in the blink of an eye like a magician. This transient ability is often dazzling and amazing.

In the famous fairy tale "Monkey Fishing for the Moon", a story about a monkey hanging its tail on the neck of another monkey and connecting them with a long string to the moon to fish the moon is described. The prototype of these very naughty and cute monkeys is probably It is a monkey with a long, curved and flexible tail like the black spider monkey. The tails of many tree-dwelling mammals living in South America can curl to varying degrees. Among them, the spider monkey has the most perfect curl tail, and it exerts many functions to the fullest. So far, there is no completely satisfactory explanation for this phenomenon. Some people speculate that this is due to the adaptation of tropical arboreal animals to the dense vines in the rain forest. Because in relatively open forests, arboreals are easy to jump between the trees, and the straight tail has the function of maintaining body balance; in the dense tropical rain forest, the arboreals' jumping is restricted, and the curled tail can Assist animals to move and feed.

The black spider monkey is a nocturnal animal. It is mainly composed of various plant foods such as leaves, fruits, berries and nuts. It also eats insects and worms. It often lives in small groups, with about 20 animals in each group. The relationship is also loose. Usually she looks timid and afraid of the cold. But the male beast also seemed very fierce while maintaining his own territory. He often painted the trunk with saliva to demarcate the territory. If an intruder was found, he would first make a cough-like cry on the top of a large tree tens of meters high. It warns that if the intruder has not left immediately, he breaks the thick branch of the bowl, slams at the intruder, screams more fiercely, shakes the branch fiercely, and then moves with his unique swing arm The way leaps towards the intruder.


Black spider monkey

It has a versatile and entangled tail. The ventral side of the end and the lower limbs do not have long hairs. A long naked area is formed at the bottom of the tail. The naked skin with the "fingerprint" is sensitive. The nerve endings make this place feel very sensitive. In leisure, it usually hooks its tail on a tree branch, relaxes its limbs, hangs its body in the air, rests upside down, or eats flowers or fruits upside down. Sometimes even if it is asleep, the tail will not loosen. When jumping in the forest, the tail straightens back, balances the body, and moves forward smoothly. It can also use the tail to ingest food like a hand and feed it into the mouth. Therefore, this long tail actually became the "fifth hand" of the black spider monkey. The fifth "hand" of the spider monkey also has a strange function. In addition to the normal blood vessels in the tail, there is a middle vein directly connected to the arterial canal. When the weather is hot, the tail becomes a radiator, just like a dog uses its tongue to dissipate heat. When the weather gets colder, arterial blood can return directly to the body without passing through small blood vessels. Spider monkeys rely on their tails to regulate body temperature.

Social behavior

The black spider monkey also has a more special social behavior, that is, there are separate and organized family organizations. During the day, usually 3-6 are scattered on one or more trees, and few family members can be seen together. In the evening, the whole family gathered together for the night. This is because the black spider monkey has a large amount of food, but the main foods such as flowers and fruits are limited in a region. In order to avoid the competition for food among members of its family, it has to adopt a separate way to adapt to the environment. . At night, the whole family gathers together to effectively discover and defend against its natural enemies, arboreal cats.

The members of the family of black spider monkeys keep in touch by making a long whistle from time to time, especially before the early morning or heavy rains, so that the local indigenous people have "spider monkeys, heavy rain" To" statement.


There is no fixed breeding season for black spider monkeys. The gestation period of female beasts is about 225 days. They reproduce every 2-3 years and only produce 1 litter per litter. After the pups are born, they need to be nurtured by their parents for more than 10 months. Females often carry it on their backs, which of course depends on their tails, and cubs often wrap their tails around the roots of females. The cubs are sexually mature when they are 3-4 years old, and their lifespan is generally around 20 years, up to more than 27 years.

Population war

Teams, tactics, and battles, humans are certainly extremely skilled at these things. Spider monkeys have similar behavior. This is the first time that organized, premeditated armed conflicts have been discovered in primates other than great apes.

Male spider monkeys will form small groups and enter the territory of other monkey groups. They lined up in a column and quietly advanced on the ground, watching the surroundings cautiously, seldom stopped to eat, and looked very clear that they were in a dangerous area.

This behavior of spider monkeys is very similar to the chimpanzee teaming up to attack members of other groups. Scientists have discovered four times that the "expedition" monkeys took concerted action to attack members of other groups. Experts believe that this action of male spider monkeys may be to obtain more mating opportunities with female monkeys of other monkey groups. Many primates such as humans, chimpanzees, and spider monkeys have similar social structures, which may be the basis of primitive human war behavior.

Related reports

Longevity monkey died at the age of 53

(2005-03-29) A female black spider monkey believed to be the longest-lived in the world died of illness at a monkey center in Japan at the age of 53 on Saturday. It is friendly and friendly, and has a younger male lover in later life, which may be the main factor for its longevity.

This black spider monkey named Buenos, because it is very affable, has become one of the most popular monkeys at the Japanese Monkey Center in Aichi Prefecture. However, it died of a coronary artery problem last Saturday night.

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The monkey center manager Garten said that the center was preparing to apply for the Guinness Book of Records, but it passed away peacefully. Garten also said that Buenos is very fond of human beings. Whenever he lies on the bed, he always wants to hold the staff.

Speaking of Buenos's longevity secret, Garten said that the female black spider monkey’s quiet and sympathetic temperament made it live unrestrained, and it is believed to be of great help to longevity. Another reason is that Buenos began living with a younger male monkey before 2013, which I believe makes him very happy.

Garten pointed out that the average life span of the black spider monkey is 30 to 33 years old. If it is calculated at the age of 53 years in Buenos, it is equivalent to 140 to 150 years old in humans.

Buenos is mainly based on fruits and vegetables. It has a tail nearly one meter long, and it is often used to sweep the palms of tourists.

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